VoiceAssistant  main
Resource-efficient, customizable voice assistant
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Build Status Translated using Weblate

VoiceAssistant is a resource-efficient and customizable voice assistant that is still in the early stages of development but already functional.

Privacy is our top priority, and VoiceAssistant ensures that all operations are performed offline on your local device, keeping your data secure and protected.


The main goal of VoiceAssistant is to provide a fully customizable and extendable voice assistant that can be controlled entirely using voice commands.


  • Fully customizable and extendable (I'm still working on this)
  • Offline functionality for enhanced privacy and security
  • Voice recognition for executing predefined commands
  • Privacy-first approach with everything offline and local on the device

Supported Platforms

The project has been tested on x86_64 Linux, but it should theoretically work on the following platforms:

  • [x] Aarch64/Arm64 Linux/Android/Raspberry Pi
  • [x] Armv7l Linux/Android
  • [x] Riscv64 Linux
  • [x] x86 Linux/Android
  • [x] x86_64 Linux/Android
  • [x] 32-bit Windows (not suggested and untested)
  • [x] 64-bit Windows
  • [x] macOS (Intel)
  • [ ] macOS (M1)
  • [ ] iOS
  • [ ] WebAssembly

Note: The Android build works and starts, but I can't load the speech-to-text plugin.


  • [ ] Full customizability
  • [ ] Implement Whisper.cpp backend (this will add WebAssembly, iOS, and M1 macOS support)


In the near future, I'll add settings to the app!

To customize the commands, edit the commands/<your_language>/default.json file.

There are some default commands. See Add Commands.

Add Commands

To add your command, edit the commands/<your_language>/default.json file. The supported values are:

Name Type Description Notes
commands Array of strings All commands that the voice assistant should react to Required
funcName String The name of the function to call (MainWindow::<funcName>)
responses Array of strings It selects a random response from the array Use [wait <number of ms>] to wait between words
program String A program to execute
args Array of strings Arguments passed to program ${TEXT} will be replaced with the voice input
sound String Path to local or remote file that gets played Volume can be controlled via voice/GUI


See the build section in INSTALL.md (direct link).

Translation Status

You can check the translation status of VoiceAssistant on Weblate (click the image below):

Translation Status

Creating a plugin

See plugins/README.md


VoiceAssistant uses the following open-source projects:

  • Vosk for voice recognition
  • 11Zip for unzipping voice models
  • JokeAPI for telling jokes

Thank you to these amazing projects and their contributors for making VoiceAssistant possible!