Tim Gromeyer
Hobby programmer from germany
No Matches
Tim Gromeyer

About Me

Hello! I am a boy from Germany who loves programming and using C++ and Ubuntu. I also appreciate a good dark mode in apps. I may not be very creative when it comes to naming things, but I am passionate about my projects.


If you would like to get in touch with me, you can email me at sakul.nosp@m.8826.nosp@m.@gmai.nosp@m.l.co.nosp@m.m.



html2md is a fast and reliable C++ library for converting HTML content into markdown. It offers support for a wide range of HTML tags, including those for formatting text, creating lists, and inserting images and links. In addition, html2md offers support for table formatting, making it a valuable tool for users who need to convert HTML tables into markdown.
For more information and to see the documentation, please visit here.


MarkdownEdit is a program for creating and editing Markdown files. Some of its features include a spell checker, syntax highlighting editor, live preview, auto-completion, and the ability to import from HTML. For a live demo, please click the image below.

ExampleClick image for online demo

For more information about MarkdownEdit, please visit here.


SConverter is an app for converting strings. Some of its features include a syntax highlighting editor, the ability to load from files, undo/redo functionality, real-time preview of converted strings, and a native look and feel. The app is also lightweight and quick to open recent files.

From To
Plain C-string
Markdown HTML
HTML Markdown
C-string Plain

ExampleClick image for online demo

For more information about SConverter, please visit here.