html2md  v1.6.6
Simple and fast HTML to Markdown converter
No Matches
python Directory Reference

Detailed Description

pyhtml2md provides a way to use the html2md C++ library in Python. html2md is a fast and reliable library for converting HTML content into markdown.

  • Installation
  • Basic usage
  • Advanced usage
  • Supported Tags
  • License


You can install using pip:

pip3 install pyhtml2md

Basic usage

Here is an example of how to use the pyhtml2md to convert HTML to markdown:

import pyhtml2md
markdown = pyhtml2md.convert("<h1>Hello, world!</h1>")

The convert function takes an HTML string as input and returns a markdown string.

Advanced usage

pyhtml2md provides a Options class to customize the generation process.
You can find all information on the c++ documentation

Here is an example:

import pyhtml2md
options = pyhtml2md.Options()
options.splitLines = False
converter = pyhtml2md.Converter("<h1>Hello Python!</h1>", options)
markdown = converter.convert()

Supported Tags

pyhtml2md supports the following HTML tags:

Tag Description Comment
a Anchor or link Supports the href, name and title attributes.
b Bold
blockquote Indented paragraph
br Line break
cite Inline citation Same as i.
code Code
dd Definition data
del Strikethrough
dfn Definition Same as i.
div Document division
em Emphasized Same as i.
h1 Level 1 heading
h2 Level 2 heading
h3 Level 3 heading
h4 Level 4 heading
h5 Level 5 heading
h6 Level 6 heading
head Document header Ignored.
hr Horizontal line
i Italic
img Image Supports src, alt, title attributes.
li List item
meta Meta-information Ignored.
ol Ordered list
p Paragraph
pre Preformatted text Works only with code.
s Strikethrough Same as del.
span Grouped elements Does nothing.
strong Strong Same as b.
table Table Tables are formatted!
tbody Table body Does nothing.
td Table data cell Uses align from th.
tfoot Table footer Does nothing.
th Table header cell Supports the align attribute.
thead Table header Does nothing.
title Document title Same as h1.
tr Table row
u Underlined Uses HTML.
ul Unordered list


pyhtml2md is licensed under The MIT License (MIT)